The digital precaution

Digital precaution is a very important and at the same time courageous step for everyone

Providing for the future is not something you do for situations in which you are hale and hearty.

The topic of retirement planning is about illnesses, emergencies or death. Digital retirement planning has become an important part of preventive care that most people unfortunately don’t think about. But what happens if I suddenly have an accident or am no longer able to act? My Internet subscriptions continue to be charged, my digital identity

digital identity continues to exist on the Net, and no one knows about the assets on my digital devices. Numerous

files, e.g., pictures, videos and texts, as well as digital identities in e.g., social networks, gamer portals, dating platforms, etc., and also assets such as licenses, bitcoins or blogs and valuable domain names are on the network or on the digital devices of the affected person.

Many reasons – one good decision

Who knows the wishes, user or Internet account names and let alone the passwords of their acquaintance or relative. That is exactly why it is crucial to regulate the digital estate early and make digital provisions, designate people and describe in a digital health care power of attorney or a digital will what should happen. In this, you decree what should happen to your „digital estate/ inheritance“ if you are no longer able to manage it yourself. In this way, you ensure while you are still alive that your digital existence is dealt with in the way you want it to be. So regulate your digital estate so as not to leave relatives or heirs with a surprise. And remember that passwords change over time, additional Internet identities are added or deleted, and your digital devices change as well. Therefore, update your estate accordingly if necessary.

Digital will and/or digital health care proxy

We will be happy to advise you on a digital health care power of attorney and a digital will.

If you wish, we will prepare step by step with you the necessary documents, so that nothing is forgotten and is legally effective.

Be prepared. Do not leave your data unprotected. Regulate in advance.

Visit our store. There you will find all the important documents for your secure digital provision.


Did you know that digital retirement planning may be supported by government subsidy programs!

Up to 90% funding of costs up to a maximum of 4000 euros. (only Germany)

Business succession


To hand over the business, there must be complete clarity and agreement between the interests of the owner, family, successor and business.

The arrangements for business succession in the digital sector must be made well in advance.

Well before the planned handover of the business, the owner should start to hand over his business „digitally“ as well.

Experience shows that something is often forgotten here. How this can be done, you will learn from us.

Planning business succession and digital provision

Planning and organizing business succession and digital provision

But you can’t always plan your handover. Accident and illness occur unexpectedly, forcing quick unplanned actions.

.Access to accounts, to documents of the tax office and to accounting may no longer be possible.

Orders get stuck and customers wonder why nothing is heard.

A paradise for attackers if the webshop is not maintained.

Learn more about the ToDo’s of transferors and successors in the succession process, where to get support and advice, what funding opportunities are available.

Schedule an appointment with us today. Give us a call:

+49 89 56 82 10 70


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