Data protection

The Federal Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation require companies to take specific measures, to achieve an appropriate level of data protection. However, practical implementation is difficult, and most organizations lack the expertise to reliably meet data protection requirements. The result is an increased risk, i.e. the threat of warnings or even fines by the responsible supervisory authority.

As an external data protection officer, we offer companies customized solutions. We take care of data protection and data security by identifying, reviewing and adapting the relevant processes, among other things. Our customers are thus protected and can concentrate on their actual core business. Independently of the appointment of a data protection officer, we offer separate data protection consulting and data protection training.

Data protection does not have to be expensive.

We are also happy to handle individual inquiries.

Contact us!

Every inquiry will of course be handled confidentially.

Data is valuable and fuel for the economy

Data is often referred to as the new gold of the economy. At the same time, many would like to see it used as generously as possible. But we should actually handle our raw materials and resources with care. Data is valuable and, with the right application of data protection, can lead to wealth.


Data without data protection is worthless !

If data is processed in a company, this is only permissible if the appropriate consents etc. are available. If this was not taken care of in advance, the data may have to be deleted. The data may also be unusable for internal scoring procedures and may not be processed. In the future, it will no longer be possible to market or pass on data without sufficient proof of data protection. The General Data Protection Regulation has very strict specifications here. Thus, data without data protection is worthless.

With the upcoming new regulations and laws, the significance is changing enormously.

Data is the raw material of today and tomorrow !

Data is the raw material of the modern economy, is emphasized by many sides, by business associations, by politicians. In times of unleashed Big Data Analytics, data protection seems to be only an obstacle. But this is an apparent impression if you look a little closer behind the scenes.

For example, most Internet users or customers want you to receive services without being bombarded with spams afterwards.

If a customer is penetrated too much, he will fight back - and rightly so - and end the business relationship.

  • Immediate help in the event of data protection mishaps
  • Damage containment for IT security incidents
  • Around-the-clock emergency assistance
  • Provision of an intervention team
  • Consultation with authorities
  • Achieving success together with us
  • Trustful cooperation
  • You take care of your core tasks and we take care of information security and data protection
  • Economically adapted data protection to your company

Data protection- Security expert

  • We have been dealing with data protection and information security since 1995.
  • We are active in Austria and Germany.
  • Both the enforcement of consumer claims under data protection law and the secure handling in companies of personal and business-critical data are a focus.
  • Implementation of data protection audits
  • Implementation of data protection principles
  • Position of the data protection officer
  • IT forensics
  • Comprehensive data security consulting
  • Preparation for ISO 27001 certification
  • Implementation of ISO 27701 and SDM
  • Digital estate management
  • Digital retirement planning
  • Presentations and employee training



  • Master degree in computer science (Armin Fimberger)
  • Batchlor degree in business administration (Marie-Theres Fimberger)
  • TÜV certified data protection auditor since 2004
  • TÜV certified data protection manager since 2001
  • TÜV certified data protection officer since 2001
  • TÜV - Süd current refresher course on DSGVO and BDSG (current version)
  • TÜV persCert ISO 27001 Foundation Certified
  • Member and support of the "white hat hacker" scene
  • Over 25 years of professional experience in information security and data protection
  • Independent and neutral
  • Member of university mentoring programs
  • Lecturer at community colleges
  • Support for over a dozen clients
  • Performed countless security and data protection audits
  • Simple, pragmatic, practical and economically favorable


Armin Fimberger


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